Project HealthDesign has long advocated for imagining personal health records as patient-centered records, and for including the patient's voice in the health care conversation. One of the more intriguing patient "voices" belongs to Dave deBronkart, better known as "ePatient Dave."
For those who don't know him, Dave deBronkart survived Stage IV kidney cancer, and he credits his survival to the vast store of patient knowledge he discovered after his diagnosis. Since his recovery, Dave has been a tireless champion of patients and patients' rights. (He writes a regular blog: e-PatientDave, A Voice of Patient Engagement). In February, Project HealthDesign met with Dave for a lengthy interview -- about everything from the value of patient insight, to the power of raw data, to the insights gained by those who have come close to dying.
Over the next three months, as Project HealthDesign winds to a close, we'll be posting pieces of our interview with this remarkable and energetic man. Here is the first installment, Envisioning the Patient-Centered EHR.